Grass trimmer

The required equipment is the 1600W Electric Lawn Trimmer and Garden Dryer, made in China. Here are some of the specifications and quality of this device: Cutting power: The device has a powerful electric motor power of 1600 watts, which enables it to handle tall and dense grass efficiently and effectively. Ease of use: The device has an ergonomic design that makes it easy to use and control. Users can easily operate, direct and adjust the cutting height according to their needs. Excellent performance: The device cuts the grass precisely and quickly, making it easy to have a beautiful and neat lawn. It trims long and resistant weeds efficiently, saving time and effort for the user. Manufacturing quality: The device has a high manufacturing quality, as strong and durable materials are used in its construction. This ensures that the device is durable and sustainable for a long period of use, making it a good investment for the future. Safety: The device features a range of safety features, such as an instant stop button and protection against electrical accidents. This ensures the safety of users during use and provides peace of mind.

Item Number: 02809

Price : 172.00$
Grass trimmer

Item Number : 02809

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How do I get it?

Delivery : Usually Within 3-4 Days.

Delivery express (get it delivered the next day with 30$ delivery charge)

Heavy & large item are subject to an 20$ delivery charge.

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